I've had a Eureka moment.
A review of current trends:
1) The western governments are actively oppressing the rich(er) members of society with
threats of new taxes, etc.
2) Naturally, (as Rand so eloquently predicted), the rich are rebelling, ex-patriating, and heading for Argentina (or elsewhere)
like Doug Casey, Bill Bonner, et al seem to think that escape is the only
rational option (even though the threat of taxation attached itself to the US
citizen like a leech and follows them wherever they may travel), so one must ask what it REALLY is
that these guys are running from.
are they actually MARKETING the escapist mindset in order to generate
more income for themselves by appealing to our "flight" response, as
opposed to selling letters encouraging us to dig in and arm ourelves, to
appeal to our "fight" response (like that ultra-lame doomsday prepper show on
TV does).
here's my epiphany - in the grander scheme, this is all by design.
Maybe not the design of people, or governments (or Bilberberger groups),
but maybe by Nature itself.
within any market (or any natural population) is corruptive and
damaging in the long term; and decades of concentrated entrepreneurial
spirit in
the western developed world has built up this grand economic Acropolis,
but it has also allowed us to cross the threshold into this dark place
of current circumstance where entrepreneurism is confused with greed,and
is therefore seen as corruption in the same way greed is.
historical lesson of how Democracy failed in Athens (leading to the
rebirth, and Plato's Republic) is today being replayed on the global
Democracy and Communism are the EXACT same thing, and they must always
fail, just as they have always failed before. The whole can not be
better than the sum of its parts when individual personal psychology
gets thrown into the mix.
"machine" of the smooth running utopian society has a flawed design
element: Personal choice NEVER acts as a lubricant in the gears - it
acts more like sand.
politicians, by doing what they are doing, are merely forcing a
"cleansing" of the entrepreneurial spirit, and they are pushing it out
into more frontier global economic territories. I don't think this is
deliberate (they aren't that smart), but it is a naturally beneficial
side-effect of mass political stupidity.
As stupidity concentrates itself, intelligence expands outward until it eventually surrounds and contains the stupidity.
don't think western civilization is going to collapse as a result of
this... I think it will decline somewhat further as economic energy
shifts to more frontier emerging markets; but I do think the
stupidity-based political power structure in the developed world will
collapse long before society does.
is not a coincidence that the death of Democracy (the first time it was
tried) occured in the exact same place that Democracy is beginning to
die again today: Greece (and the greater Eurozone in general). Nature is
not without a sense of irony.
The mythical "New World Order" is going to become nothing more than a global monetary and economic Republic.
just hope we can find the Global Thomas Jefferson-caliber thinkers to
draft the appropriate Constitution to support such a Republic.
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