Tuesday, January 21, 2014

A Brief Conpendium of the knowledge earned (and the wisdom gained) through the first 45 years of my life

A fun little exercise in causality and pre-determination :

In this place, there are smart people, and there are dumb people. Sometimes the dumb people get put in charge, and this creates a slippery slope, because a dumb person in charge will always surround themselves with a whole staff of even dumber people, and as all these dumb people exercise their authority, the smart people are left with the choice of either:  A)  continuing to be smart, and running the risk of persecution, or B)  Pretending to be dumb so that they'll fit in.

Option A is analogous to swimming against the tide. Eventually the tide catches up to you, it wears you down, and you go under for the final time.

Option B has only one necessary drawback-  it fosters a daily, or even a constant battle of morality within one's soul.

Pretending to be dumber than you are in order not to draw the ire of the dumb people around you is tantamount to living a lie, and lies suck.

So I tell myself I'm not as smart as I think I am, and this soothes me into a quiet complacency with the fact that:  even though I may not be as smart as I think I am, at least I still know I am smarter than everyone else...

I can't wait for retirement...

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